United Music For Ukraine

Yes, we’re still at war!

Many people do not want to hear this, many are tired of the war in Ukraine. But it is not ending, it is only getting tougher. We are fighting back as best we can. And yes – we need your help!

But the LACITY MEDIA team is not asking you money! We offer our services, and the payment goes to buy 10 pickup trucks for the 128th Territorial Defense Brigade, on which they install PCO systems to protect our skies of Odesa.

Our target  – $80,000 to buy 10 pickups.

Who suppor Ukraine?

Many famous actors and directors, artists and musicians, designers, artists, influencers and celebrities support Ukraine in their fight against the terrorist country of russia.

They donate financial and charitable aid, openly criticize the crimes of russia’s army in Ukraine and Putin’s desire to take over someone else’s country. Their opinions are heard by hundreds of millions of people. Their opinions influence decisions on aid to Ukraine.

What do we do for you?

For your donation, we put a design post on the platform’s Facebook page with information about your activity, links to accounts and the official website. You can also include a link to a new release or video. The amount of donation is fixed for everyone.
Our account has more than 400,000 subscribers in Facebook, the total audience of the site and networks is 2 million users per month. Your support will be appreciated by a huge number of people from 140 countries.

How to support and become involved?

Please complete the form below and consent to the processing of personal data by reading the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.


You can easily pay the fixed donation by clicking on the payment button.


Payment QR


  1. Payment is made to the owner Lacity Media, a legal entity –  Individual entrepreneur Panchenko Oleksandr Yuriyovych, EDRPOU 2977200717, Odesa, Ukraine.
  2. From each payment will be charged a tax of 5% to the tax service of Ukraine according to the current legislation of Ukraine. The tax is paid by the platform owner.
  3. After filling out the form and paying the donation, you need to send a scan copy of the payment confirmation to lacityukraine@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +380504822893 with your data to avoid disputes.
  4. Lacity Media is committed to fulfill its obligation to post the publication within 3 business days of receiving the data and payment.