
Fill in the form

Name surname or team name * *
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E-mail *
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Fone *
*Enter the phone number of one of the parents if you are under 18 years old
Fill out this field
City (Village), Region, Country *
Fill out this field
Name of the head and the name of the institution represented by the participant *
Fill out this field
Name and Surname, who pays the contribution, if you do not have 18 *
Fill out this field
The name of the composition and performer *
Fill out this field
Information about creativity *
Up to 1000 characters
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Posted on video, YouTube or Google Drive with access to * *
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Foto link - *
Fill out this field
Select an option
Age categories
Select an option
Consent *
You need to agree with the terms to proceed

Pay the contribution

Choose the currency that is convenient for you to pay by clicking on the button

1 participant




  • Participation fees are fixed for soloists and groups, regardless of the number of members.
  • Payment is made on the site using a payment service, who can charge a commission.
  • Payment is received by the organizer, FOP Panchenko O., INN 2977200717, and taxes are paid.
  • After payment, notify about the payment and add a payment screen.
  • Keep checks to avoid disputes.
  • In case the contestants refuse to participate in the festival 5 days before the end of the video reception period and the beginning of the evaluation – the organizing committee reserves the right not to return the contributions made by the participants. The contribution is saved for participation in the next festival.

Follow the results
