Media-vision Lacity Ukraine presented the first independent international online festival for talented children and young, amateur and professional teams, which I can show my talent to the whole world!
The first for everything is not just a competition. This is a platform for young artists, musicians, talented vocalists, cobs and professionals. Even the contests are rich, and for them there is a great number of talented people who are not seen.
Also, it is possible to re-read, so social framing gives you the ability to show and show yourself. Ale is not so simple. Information re-assignment, high prices of media-agency, and digital-services, permanently accelerated services will require a lot of human and financial capital investment.
Mi pratsyuєmo with growing straights. First of all virishili do not go around. Adzhe mi Ukraintsi – and tse means, even more talented and sleeping people!
Advantages of the festival:
All videos of the contestants’ performances are published
Usually, contests post little video of participants, or do not do so at all. Online evaluation takes place in a “weird” way, and participants do not even know who they are competing with and why this or that participant won. We decided to change this and add popularity to all performances, presenting them to the audience of the magazine Lacity Ukraine.
All videos receive massive digital support
In our opinion, the talented should be known. It is a mission of competition. Therefore, we actively support each contestant. After submitting the applications, we first place the information “passport” of the participant, ie information about him with a photo, and then distribute the video of the speech, thus creating a wide information field. The participant not only participates, showing his vocal abilities, but also declares himself to a large segment of the audience.
Іnternational jury
Сворите незалежне міжнародне жюрі більше ініциатива спонсорів. Але ми підтримали цю ідею. Бо вона дійсно заслуговує уваги. По-перше – всі “варяться” в одому казані – тому ми виключили панібратство та можливість впливу завдяки тісним знайомствам. По-друге – учасники отримали можливість показити себе професіоналам з інших країн, які підходять безпринципово, кваліфікаційно та об’єктивно до оцінки.
Exclusive gifts from sponsors
And what about without sponsors? All festivals must be of commercial interest. To organize and provide bombastic gifts, we have attracted two world-famous cosmetic brands from Italy – Spuma di Sciampagna та Malizia, represented by an official dealer, online store of cosmetics and household chemicals from Italy and Spain – L`Italiano.
The main thing in the competition is that each participant has the opportunity to start their promotion in the media space, or to consolidate the existing and increase it. Because every creative person should do their favorite thing, and not dive deep into their progress, forgetting about talent and creativity.
I want to give a start to every talent who tries and hopes for success. After all, this is the main goal of a talented singer. And we will work and develop the platform to a world level, so that everyone who sings, dances, plays instruments, can easily and quickly gain recognition and popularity with the platform – said the author and organizer of the project, founder of, Alexander Panchenko.
It is very easy to take part in the festival – get acquainted with the terms of the competition on the page –, record a video with a performance according to the terms of the competition, and send an application. Participation in the competition is fully open, the entire process of participation, judging and awards will be reflected on the site. Therefore – we wish success to all the brave!