Full-length debut film directed by Maxim Nakonechny “Snowstorm” (workingly called “Spas”) was selected to the competition program of the Cannes Film Festival. About tse povіdomilo Agency for Food Cinema.
The world premiere of the film will take place in the “Un Certain Regard” section of the official selection of the 75th Cannes Film Festival. The focus of this category is films that, according to the festival’s program department, will have a strong impact on the development of cinema.
“Butterfly Vision” is a story about a woman warrior who does not want to be a victim. After being released from enemy captivity, air reconnaissance Lily is trying to return to a peaceful life in Ukraine. Pain and trauma because of the experience always come to the surface, as if in a dream, but something inside her does not allow to forget why she has to live on.
Director and screenwriter – Maxim Nakonechny, co-screenwriter – Irina Tsilyk, producers – Elizabeth Smith and Daria Bassel. Starring actors Rita Burkovska and Lubomyr Valivots. Also among the cast – the famous playwright Natalka Vorozhbyt and actor and volunteer Myroslav Hai.
“While making this film, I hoped that it would be mostly about the past and the consequences of the war that we as a society would have to deal with. everyone has it, ”comments director Maksym Nakonechny.