On February 12, Ukraine elected its representative at Eurovision 2022. According to the results of the National Selection, Alina Pash will go to Italy for the competition. And while the singer is preparing for the competition, we will tell you what is known about the artist.
Alina Pash grew up in a small village in Zakarpathia. This influenced her work and allowed her to create a musical style that combines ethno and modern motifs. Alina has been involved in music since she was a child, and at the age of 19 she began her singing career. She auditioned for the Ukrainian girls’ band “Real O”, later worked with the band “Hot Chocolate”, and sang backing vocals for “SKY” and singer “Iryna Bilyk”.
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Alina Pash also made a name for herself by taking part in the X-Factor show. Pash was a participant in Season 6, when the winner was Kostya Bocharov, today known as Melovin. Alina took third place.
In 2018, Alina Pash released her debut single “Bitanga” – the song combines hip-hop, elements of pop music and ethnic motifs. Then there were tracks Oinagori, Oboloka, Ne Pili, Ne Vpasty, Various. Levels, Amaga, NUM and others. In 2022, Alina Pash won the Music Moves Europe Awards, and also applied for participation in the National Selectionі.
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In the final of the National Selection, Alina performed the song “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”, which she wrote especially for the competition. In the song, the singer tries to convey that thanks to our ancestors we are confidently moving forward.
Трембіти плачуть за мій вільний народ
Котре століття жиє поміж негод
Племен молитви чули і перун і дажбог
Віче формуло код етнічних спільнот
Аби було добре всім вельможам і панам
Боронив із козаками землю отаман
Моя Батьківщина як дівчина молода
Буде проростати як пшениця золота
Гей, вийди доле із води
Визволь моє серденько з біди
Come out from the watter destiny
All my sisters all my brothers
Give the drop that all we need
Тіні забутих предків моїх і твоїх
В літописах, серцях, очах, крові віків на вік
Shadows of forgotten ancestors
In chronicles, hearts and eyes, in our blood forever
Imma girl from a small town
My folks, are best bescribed in the writting of Dumas
One for all and all for one
Nowadays, Dante would’ve written the divine tragedy
But we need Picasso’s dove. it’s the divine strategy
In my childhood girls played with toy dolls
But I wrote these words here
Coz my favorite toy was a book of Shakespeare
Just like the Brothers Grimm
I’ll leave behind a peace of me
Rememeber your ancestors
But write your own history
Тіні забутих предків моїх і твоїх
В літописах, серцях, очах, крові віків на вік
Shadows of forgotten ancestors
In chronicles, hearts and eyes, in our blood forever
Тіні забутих предків моїх і твоїх
В літописах, серцях, очах, крові віків на вік
Shadows of forgotten ancestors
In chronicles, hearts and eyes, in our blood forever